Largo di Torre Argentina – The ultimate Rome 6-day trip itinerary Day 1

Meet the elegant citizens of Rome

Alight! after finding the gem –Church of St. Louis of the French (San Luigi dei Francesi) which was not mentioned in our guide book, we couldn’t be happier and were feeling Rome was full of adventures awaiting for us.

Largo di Torre Argentina is another place is not mentioned often in major tourists tours either… at least compared with the gigantic Colosseum or Pantheon, but it actually is one of the places that made a big impact in history, because it is the place where Julius Caesar got assassinated…

This was the place where the famous lines ‘et tu, Brute’ took place and on march 15 of 44 BC (Ides means 15, whence ‘beware the ides of March’) Julius Caesar fell.ROM_5822Trip in Rome what to see cat caesar died Largo di Torre ArgentinaROM_5832Rome Largo di Torre Argentina 5 day travel guideLargo di Torre Argentina Rome 6 day tripAside from the history-changing key moment, the site was used to be four Roman Republican temples and the remains of Pompey’s Theatre (The first theater of Rome). It can be dated back to fourth century BC to first century AD. you can still see the columns, stairs to imaging the original sizes, however, you can spot on the most lovely citizens of Rome there! it’s not human beings, it’s cats! Largo di Torre Argentina Roman cat what to see trip guideROM_5837Rome Largo di Torre Argentina trip guide 7 daysLargo di Torre Argentina Rome cat shelter CaesarLargo di Torre Argentina is now a cat sanctuary of Rome, the no killing shelter took three outdoor places throughout whole Rome. you can see their website here: If the story of the assassination of Caesar is too heavy for you, looking at those cats will make you feel better. As cat lovers like us, we certainly enjoy the view of cats in every city. But please remember do not feed them as they are all taking care by the shelter already. however, any donation or volunteer to the organization will be helpful if you would like to spread your love.  

Another historical building worth mentioning is The Teatro Argentina which was an 18th-century opera house and theatre located in the square. Gioachino Rossini’s The Barber of Seville in 1816, Giuseppe Verdi’s Foscari in 1844, and La battaglia di Legnano in 1849 all premiered here. We always love to see some local art performances wherever we travel, but this time we could not find the right time to fit in our schedule, so hopefully some other time we will catch up in this historical theater!

By the way, it is said Rome will be reopen this archeology site to tourists in 2021. I am not so sure about the impact to cat shelter in here yet, but hopefully they will be still be supported even when they open to public.

Largo di Torre ArgentinaLargo di Torre Argentina Rome 6 day trip guideThe time we visit here is about 2 pm, which is completely right, it’s not a huge tourist attraction, so we enjoyed our time and could capture pictures

Some tips for visiting Largo di Torre Argentina:

    1. it’s a free admission site to visit so you do not need to worry about the time, but since it’s an open space, it could be getting really hot especially in summer time… so better avoid the middle of the day.
    2. Do not feed the cats, it’s so lovely but they are all taken care by the shelter.

Are you also that kinda travelers who love to see cats or local art shows? what’s your favorite show you had so far? and any recommendations? feel free to leave your comment below.

I wish you had enjoyed today’s sharing. follow me @gabbie_arciniegas  & @betterthanauthentic on Instagram or sign up the newsletter of the blog! you will get notification of new post here! Ciao!

This post is one of the attractions from our Ultimate Rome 6 day trip itinerary Day 1, you can click each of the names to see the full post.

Day 1:

Fontana di Trevi (Trevi Fountain)Pantheon & Fontana del PantheonObelisco Della Minerva (Elephant and Obelisk)Church of St. Louis of the French (San Luigi dei Francesi) → Largo di Torre Argentina→ Capitoline Museums